How CSharp Developers Can Leverage Ngrok as a Daily Useful Tool

C# tool box
Why did the C# developer bring ngrok to the office?
Because every time they needed to expose themselves to the world, ngrok made sure it was safe! 😄

Ngrok is an essential tool that provides secure tunnels to localhost, enabling developers to expose a local development environment to the internet. While it is often popular among web developers, C# developers can also find ngrok extremely useful, especially in the context of API development, webhooks, and remote debugging. Here’s a guide on how C# developers can incorporate ngrok into their daily workflow.

1. Why Use Ngrok in C# Development?

For C# developers, ngrok offers several practical benefits:

  • Remote API Testing: C# developers working on web applications and APIs often need to test services on external devices or collaborate with team members working remotely. Ngrok provides a publicly accessible URL to a local C# API, making this process seamless.
  • Webhook Testing: Many services like Stripe, PayPal, and GitHub rely on webhooks to send data to your application. Local C# development environments usually don’t have public-facing URLs, which is where ngrok comes into play by forwarding requests from the public internet to your localhost.
  • Collaboration and Demos: With ngrok, you can quickly share your local project with team members or stakeholders without deploying the code. This is especially useful for getting real-time feedback or collaborating on debugging sessions.

2. Setting Up Ngrok with C# Applications

Getting started with ngrok is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide to integrate it with your C# development workflow.

Step 1: Install Ngrok

First, download and install ngrok from its official website. Once installed, you can launch it from the command line.

Step 2: Start Your C# API or Web Application

In your C# project, ensure that your web server (such as Kestrel or IIS Express) is running. Let’s assume you’re building an ASP.NET Core Web API running on localhost at port 5000.

dotnet run

Your API should now be accessible at http://localhost:5000.

Step 3: Expose Localhost with Ngrok

Open your terminal, navigate to where ngrok is installed, and expose your localhost server by running:

ngrok http 5000

Ngrok will assign a public URL to your localhost. For example, you might get something like, which forwards traffic to http://localhost:5000.

Step 4: Testing and Collaboration

Now, you can use the public URL ( to:

  • Test APIs on external devices like mobile phones or other computers.
  • Receive webhooks from third-party services like Stripe, Twilio, or GitHub.
  • Share the public URL with colleagues for collaborative debugging or feature demonstration.

3. Ngrok Use Cases in C# Development

a. Webhook Development

In real-time API integrations, services like Stripe, GitHub, or Twilio need to send notifications or updates to your application via webhooks. Developing webhooks locally without a publicly accessible URL can be a challenge.

With ngrok, you can easily simulate webhook events. Here’s a typical workflow:

  • Start your C# API locally.
  • Run ngrok to create a public URL.
  • Use that ngrok URL as the webhook callback URL for third-party services.
  • Receive and debug webhook requests directly in your local environment.

Example: Testing a GitHub Webhook

  1. Set up a webhook in a GitHub repository and point the payload URL to your ngrok public URL:
  2. Run your C# API locally to receive and handle the webhook payload.
  3. Debug the webhook processing logic in real-time.

b. Remote API Testing on Devices

When working with APIs in ASP.NET Core or any other C# framework, you often need to test endpoints from devices that aren’t on the same network as your development environment. With ngrok, you can test APIs remotely without deploying the app.

For example:

  • You’re developing a mobile app that consumes your ASP.NET Core API.
  • Instead of deploying the API to a remote server for every test, use ngrok to provide a public URL and immediately test your API on the mobile device.

c. Team Collaboration

When working in a team, sharing your development environment with others for feedback or debugging can be cumbersome. Using ngrok, you can instantly make your C# app accessible to your team members.

  • Let your colleagues access your local API using the ngrok URL to replicate bugs or provide feedback.
  • If your API requires authentication, you can even pass authentication tokens or credentials via the public ngrok URL.

4. Advanced Ngrok Features for C# Developers

a. Custom Subdomains

Ngrok allows you to set custom subdomains with a paid plan. This is especially useful if you want to maintain consistent URLs across different sessions.

ngrok http -subdomain=myapp 5000

Your application would now be available at

b. Securing Ngrok URLs

For sensitive applications, securing your public URLs is crucial. Ngrok allows you to enforce basic authentication on the generated URLs.

ngrok http -auth="username:password" 5000

This requires anyone accessing the URL to provide the correct credentials.

c. Inspecting Traffic

Ngrok offers a real-time web interface (http://localhost:4040) where you can inspect all incoming requests and responses. This is extremely valuable for debugging API calls, webhook payloads, or monitoring the overall performance of your application.

5. Integrating Ngrok in CI/CD Pipelines

Ngrok can also be useful in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. For instance:

  • You can run tests that rely on external API callbacks by using ngrok in a pre-configured CI environment.
  • Automatically expose your application during CI tests to test integrations with third-party services.


Ngrok is a versatile tool that C# developers can leverage for various tasks, from webhook development to remote testing and collaboration. Its ability to expose a local environment securely to the internet can speed up the development and debugging processes, making it an essential tool in your daily workflow. Whether you’re working on an ASP.NET Core API or building a remote-accessed service, ngrok simplifies the process of connecting your local work to the outside world.